Nourish Blog: Posts About Therapy in Great Falls, MT

Counselor in Great Falls | The Therapeutic Power of Animals: How Our Furry Friends Boost Mental Health
Dog hair is the. absolute. worst. The way it collects under furniture, hides in corners of the house, floats around like the most unwelcome fairy dust … and yet, give me all the dog hair. Why? Because the benefits these hairy family members bring to my life far outweigh my Roomba’s overtime work.
You Might Be An Anxious Overachiever IF…|Therapy in Great Falls, MT
This title is giving me all the “You Might Be a Redneck”/Jeff Foxworthy vibes. Sorry, this isn’t going to be as funny. BUT…it might be a whole heck of a lot more useful. Let’s see….
Anxious overachievers are a funny breed: appearing to “have it all together” but internally feeling the opposite. A vicious game of trying to juggle all the things, and maybe even succeeding, but frequently feeling defeated. If this sounds like you, it might be time to consider seeking help from a skilled counselor in Great Falls, MT. Here’s how you might recognize the signs of being an anxious overachiever and why therapy in Great Falls could be the key to finding peace and confidence.